Hv a unique character like 'Salt' or 'chilly'. Their presence may go unnoticed but their absence makes a big difference
Life is always beautiful
Sometimes u leave ur loved ones not coz u dnt lov them but u think they will b much happier if u leave them
As every coin has 2 sides, Our life too has 2 sides with happiness n sorrows.. So dnt think u r the only 1 to get sorrows
the weakest part of a relation comes when one of the person has to give explanation to prove the trust....!
Who said Water
Dnt worry 4 d delay in ur success compared 2 othrs coz construction of pyramid take 2 much time than a ordinary building.
Confidence never comes if v hv all answers,but it comes only whn v r ready 4all ques.
if u keep them near 2ur eye,dey hide ur vision.!!
if u keep dem at a distance u can c hw small dey r.!!
“NeVeR cOnClUdE OpInIoN Of tHE pErSOn Of hIS pReSeNt SiTuAtIoN bCoZ TIME hAs tHe PoWeR To ChAnGe An OrDiNaRy CoaL IntO A DiAmOnD
Bravery is in Accepting challenges and ur consistency is in finishing it..
Hurt a true heart
Hold a true friend
Good Life
Ur respect is not in d words spoken 2 u in ur presence..
bt words spoken 4 u in ur absence...
Knowing is not enough