"Its not ur mistake if u cant read d eyes which cheats u"BUT "Its really ur mistake if u cant read d eyes which loves and cares for u'
Someone I can talk to
Someone I can trust.
Someone who'll be there
When my relationships rust.
Someone who'll save me,
When everything goes wrong.
Someone who'll comfort me
And help me to be strong.
Someone who listens
At any time of day.
Someone who'll brighten
Any sky that’s gray.
Someone who will always
Want to be my friend.
Someone who will fight for me,
Until the bitter end.
Someone who will cry with me
Whenever I am sad.
Someone who will laugh with me
Whenever I am glad.
Someone who will understand
My every weird emotion.
Someone who will always be
At my side with their devotion.
Someone who will always think
Of me before themselves.
Someone who will care for me
And put their own worries onto shelves.
Someone who will always let
Me act like the true me.
Someone who will always be
Just like I want to be
Someone who will always remain
Incredibly beautiful and true-
Someone who is my Best Friend.
Someone just like my Friend Forever..
Every Emotion does not have words...
Every Wish does not have Prayers...
If You Smile, the World is with U...
Otherwise Even the drops of tear does not like to stay with U...
Love knows no reasons,
Love knows no lies;
Love defies all reasons,
Love has no eyes.
But Love is not blind,
Love sees all but doesn't mind..
When people walk away from u, let them go.
Your destiny is never tied 2 anybody who leaves u & iT doesn't mean thaT they are bad.
iT means thaT their part in ur storY is oveR..
Bell is sound less until someone rings it,
Song makes no sense until someone sings it,
Don't hide ur feelings coz its not called feelings until others feel it....